Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Well, Kate and I are back in the big D after a relaxing, hilarious, and fun weekend with my family. Although I ache for my family at home and the support I have there, there is something comforting about the routine we have developed here in Dallas. We have a very predictable life....we wake up at 6:30, get ready for the day, out the door by 7:56, drop off at day-care, mom goes to work until 6, pick up Kate at 6:30 at our friend Annette's, go home and play, Kate's in bed by 7:30-7:45pm. Sounds a little mundane when you write it out, but it works for us.

I have a precious friend, Annette, that I met in a discipleship group I'm in. She has been the grandma that we need here :) She picks Kate up from day-care and takes her home to her house until I get off work. Kate just helps Annette with her work and plays until I get there. When I get to Annette's, she has dinner ready and most evenings, I eat dinner with her and her husband, Karl. It really is amazing when we stop and look at our lives, the small things (that are huge) that God gives us everyday. That time with Annette and Karl has become such a treasured gift. When I feel like God may have put me on the backburner and left me there, I am reminded of things like having dinner with Annette and Karl. God takes special care of us every day. We just have to look at life through His eyes to see it sometimes.


Ruthie Zylstra said...

I love the new post. I am glad you have Annette and Karl

Chris said...

Sister, you're such a good writer. If singing and dancing don't work out, I'd suggest that you become an author. Dad

Sandi Joy said...

Hi Cindi,

I really enjoyed reading your post. I did not know that Annette has been watching Kate and that you've been eating dinner each night with her and Karl. My heart is filled with thankfullness for the beautiful ways God is meeting all your needs - it reminds me that He is thoroughly capable of doing that in all our lives. Thanks for the reminder.
Miss you!

Sandi Joy said...

CYNDEE!!!! I feel so bad that I just mis-spelled your name - I work with a girl here who spells her name that way and I typed it without even thinking - please forgive me!