I find myself feeling like I'm in a holding pattern, yet, know that I'm not really in one. I AM growing and learning and moving forward. I'm right where I am supposed to be. But, sometimes waiting for God can seem tiring (raising a 10 month old angel-child is also exhausting). It can wear on you like nothing else I've ever experienced. However, I think when God asks us to obey Him by waiting/sitting still/being still/staying put, we have the idea that EVERYTHING is then on hold - our life, our joy, our growth. No sir. No ma'am, it's not. He is moving and working all around us. We don't even know what He's doing in others lives around us. I am sometimes so focused on this little life I lead, I forget that there is more going on than my own stuff.
I have never been in such a place of complete trust and total abandonment of my own plans as I am now (this is mostly because I have tried my own plan too many times and it just doesn't work out the way I want it to). Don't get me wrong - I have deep desires and wants for my life, but God has brought me into such a relationship with Him that I know without a shadow of doubt, His plan is better than mine. But, sometimes, in my time of being still, I get discouraged, I cry, and I get tired.
So, if, like me, you find yourself completely exhausted today - just stop, let go of the things you are holding onto so tightly, even if just for a minute, and let Him give you rest. You WILL find it in Him. In my experience, the more we do this as believers, the easier it is to just completely let go of whatever it is that you're holding onto and trust.
I wait expectantly for God to do the seemingly impossible in my life. But, I don't just wait to see what He is going to do - I also stand in astonishment at the hugely impossible things He has already done. The true miracle, that needs to be acknowledged in this moment, is that I am even able to write this today. God rescued my heart and my life today is a miracle and a true testimony that He does not give up on His children.
Two Scriptures that gave me encouragement today:
Jesus says, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28
But as for me, I will look to the Lord and confident in Him I will keep watch; I will wait with hope and expectancy for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.
Micah 7:7 (Amplified Bible)
Anne Shirley would say, "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it". I say, "Tomorrow is always new and full of hope." And I think it was Zig Zigler that said, "Yesterday ended last night".
All that to say, "no eye has seen and no ear has heard what the Father has in store for [you]."
I can't wait to watch Him continue to complete His work in your heart/life. ILY.
I love you Sis. I'm proud of you.
I am also in that too tired phase of winter (I think) and I am relishing a nap after work or an early bed time. Your being still and listening comment is where I need to be right not. I am not in the "best place" at work and God is challenging me on that. It is hard to continue with this bad attitude when I have my Ipod playing with all of this great Christian music. I need sleep and hormones I am sure!
I know this feeling...It seems so hard for me right now, but I am trusting these words that in some way that God will find a way to make me the warrior I am supposed to be...The words above are timeless...They help me...The Lord speaks through you...Let his voice be heard :)
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