I remember at band camp (yes, I was a total band nerd), when the seniors would graduate, they would play that song "It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday" by Boyz II Men. Every time I hear that song, I have this mental picture of Sharon Wood and all the other seniors that I can't remember their names right now, dancing in the middle of that old wooden floor at camp, hugging each other, not knowing what the next step in life looks like. It's scary - change. I don't care who you are - change is a scary next step.
I have often wondered why the Lord has chosen to keep me in Dallas, seemingly by myself. Of course, I've had the wonderful company of Kate for the past year, but even with a child, life has been more than a little lonely. The weekends have been the most difficult. Going to breakfast at Corner Bakery on Saturday mornings with an infant have been precious, don't get me wrong - the conversation is just a little limited :). However, I am confident that God has had me in Dallas for a very specific purpose - to draw me into a completely dependent and intimate relationship with Him. It has been 2 of the most difficult years of my life, but truly the best 2 years of life, with respect to the relationship with Christ that has come out of it. I have been a child of His for 17 years, but over the past 2 He has drawn me to Him in a way I never knew was even available to me.
So the change that's coming into my life is that on July 3rd, Kate and I are moving home to Greenville, South Carolina. We will pack up our sparse belongings and head home. I am ready. It is time. I would covet your prayers during this time, as any change is difficult, even when you're moving near the ones you love. Even though our time in Dallas has had it's challenges, we have developed a routine here. We have fallen in love with the people God has surrounded us with here. What will I do without Annette and Karl to make me dinner every night when I pick up Kate? That is really the biggest dilemma of it all....
Here is the plan: I will complete my time here at Taylor Winfield on July 2nd - they are all on board with the move and are assisting me in my search for another opportunity. We will be home by July 5th, hopefully have some final interviews that week, and start a new job within a few weeks of moving home. That would be the ideal situation. We will just see how God chooses to work out His plan. I want to do this part of my life differently than I have past changes/moves. I'm not going to get all wacked out, anxious and nervous. At least, that is how I'm praying. I'm leaning into Christ, trusting that His plan is best - mine is not. If you see me doing otherwise, I give you permission to call me out on it.
That's all the news I have for now. Excited for what the future holds, to see how God's plan plays out, continuing to pray for restoration and healing......
"But me, I'm not giving up. I'm sticking around to see what God will do. I'm waiting for God to make things right. I'm counting on God to listen to me." Micah 7.7
"Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act." Psalm 37.7a