youngest brother, Madison, whooped my tail in a 5K this past Saturday. Going into it, I was expecting to have to help him get across the finish line, but he basically sprinted the whole way! On the way to the race, I was giving him all of my expert tips...don't drink the water they try and give you during the run, go to the bathroom beforehand, pace yourself, go to the bathroom BEFORE...that type deal. He was out in front of me the whole time! I was a tiny smidge depressed about that, but mostly really proud of him. During the run, he would turn around to make sure I was still behind him and every time he turned around, you could just see this look on his face that he was so glad to be beating his big sister. Madison ended up coming in 2nd in his age division! Whoo hoo Mad!!
The Corley family was introduced to Madison when he was just 3 years old...he was so cute!! Since then, he has become a brother, a son, and even though he's only 8 years old, an uncle. He and his mom had no idea what they were getting into with us...Madison is an incredible help with Kate and she absolutely adores him. They are best pals and it is the most precious thing to watch her with him. She just follows him around wherever he goes.
Madison is the smartest kid I've ever met, aside from Kate, of course. He reads on a 10th grade level, he's on the track team at school and is all-around a very athletic little guy. He will be 9 years old on Saturday and we will of course, in Corley tradition, have 3 different parties to celebrate him. I am very thankful that God chose to bless our family with the addition of Madison. It is a mystery to me how God works in our lives and allows people to enter and leave based on what His plan is. I don't get it...I don't need to...all I know is that we are blessed to have Madison as a part of our family. We love him very much.