My almost 10 month old daughter, Kate, has not been a child to take to the paci. She used it for a week or so after she was born, but after that, she would spit it out. I have to admit, secretly, I was proud of my girl. The authors of Baby-wise would be proud. No sleep crutches used here. Parent Directed Feedings all the way. We were on the right track.....that is, until yesterday.
I arrived promptly at 8:01am, taking all of our gear, including the child, into daycare. After we had unloaded everything, the owner of the daycare, Rachel, meets me at the door and asks "Does Kate have a pacifier?" In my proudest voice, shaking my head with a slight smile, I said "Umm, no. Kate doesn't USE one of those." Rachel then said, "Well, I hate to tell you this, but she does. She has been going around to the other children's play areas and stealing their paci's. She waits until they leave the paci and she makes a bee-line for it." I was horrified!!! My little angel, using a paci?? No, it couldn't be. I said, "Are you sure?!?" Rachel replied, "Yes. She has been doing this for about a week now and you will need to purchase some paci's for her. Also, if you could pick up the thing that attaches to her shirt that ensures a paci is always there for her convenience, that would be great too." So, last night, Kate and I bundled up and went to Babies R Us (I had a coupon) and bought paci's and things to hook them to her clothes and marked them with a "K". Awesome.
All of my pride in the "paci department" is gone. So, if your child is a paci-user, please don't take offense to my tirade at the front-end here - I have joined you in your cause. In this instance, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.