Friday, May 28, 2010


51 years ago today, my mom, Beth Corley, was born. There was a time in my life when 51 seemed really it seems incredibly young. It is interesting how perspective changes as you go through life. My mom was the best one. As I've said in earlier posts, she was hilarious, the most fun, not really the best in the kitchen, loved parties, opened her home and her heart to anyone, very passionate about her family, completely head over heels for my Dad, did I mention tons of fun?...I am thankful that I was able to be a part of her life on this earth for 23 years. She was the BEST mom.

When you have a mom, as great as mine was, taken out of your life, there is a big hole to fill. There are a lot of moments that happen in life that you wish you mom could be present for...pregnancies, babies being born, falling in love, engagements, weddings, broken hearts, Mother's Days, birthdays, Christmases, Tuesdays, Sundays... Over the past several years, many incredibly women have stepped in to fill that gap for Rebekah, Troy, Ruthie and myself. Even though no one can take the place of Beth Corley, there have been many precious ladies who have loved on our family and shown up in those moments in life when the only person that is sufficient is your mom. So, to those women across the country...thank you for being sensitive enough to realize that we needed you and for setting aside your time to be available to take the temporary place of our are precious and we see Jesus through your life lived out. I know my mom would be thankful that you have picked up right where she left off.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Meet my brother, Madison Corley youngest brother, Madison, whooped my tail in a 5K this past Saturday. Going into it, I was expecting to have to help him get across the finish line, but he basically sprinted the whole way! On the way to the race, I was giving him all of my expert tips...don't drink the water they try and give you during the run, go to the bathroom beforehand, pace yourself, go to the bathroom BEFORE...that type deal. He was out in front of me the whole time! I was a tiny smidge depressed about that, but mostly really proud of him. During the run, he would turn around to make sure I was still behind him and every time he turned around, you could just see this look on his face that he was so glad to be beating his big sister. Madison ended up coming in 2nd in his age division! Whoo hoo Mad!!

The Corley family was introduced to Madison when he was just 3 years old...he was so cute!! Since then, he has become a brother, a son, and even though he's only 8 years old, an uncle. He and his mom had no idea what they were getting into with us...Madison is an incredible help with Kate and she absolutely adores him. They are best pals and it is the most precious thing to watch her with him. She just follows him around wherever he goes.

Madison is the smartest kid I've ever met, aside from Kate, of course. He reads on a 10th grade level, he's on the track team at school and is all-around a very athletic little guy. He will be 9 years old on Saturday and we will of course, in Corley tradition, have 3 different parties to celebrate him. I am very thankful that God chose to bless our family with the addition of Madison. It is a mystery to me how God works in our lives and allows people to enter and leave based on what His plan is. I don't get it...I don't need to...all I know is that we are blessed to have Madison as a part of our family. We love him very much.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rise and Sing by (Steve) Fee

New Post

Sometimes you need a hard kick in the bottom to realize you’ve got to change something...whether small or a big deal, sometimes you need a jolt of reality to get you to take some action. I have had a few such weeks and got a big ol’ kick in the pants recently. This has forced me to evaluate how I’m doing life now, in the present…with work, as a mom, a sister, a daughter, a friend …and how that could affect how I do life in the future…as a wife, as a mom, and as a friend, sister, daughter, and employee. Something had to change. I was hit with the realization that I was trying to carry everything myself…but I was dropping things…stuff was getting broken as it fell…I wasn’t being incredibly loving in my interactions, and people were getting hurt as I continued to try and carry myself through this life on my own. Even though my mind knows that’s not how a relationship with Christ is supposed to go, my life was being lived out in such a way that someone who didn’t know me probably would have no idea that I claimed to have a relationship with Jesus that I was continually leaning into.

Something God reminded of a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been clinging to it as though my life depended upon it: “Do not be anxious about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He’s done. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4.6-7 When I’m truly hanging onto the Truth, I find incredible rest and peace. I have had a few times over the past week or so where I’ve just grabbed my 3x5 card that I wrote that verse on, walked into the other room and just begged Jesus to take away my fear and anxiety about things I have NO control over and to please grant me His peace that I can’t even comprehend, it is so unprecedented. He has promised “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” Hebrews 13.5 God has a beautiful plan for my life, even though I feel like I've made it ugly, and a beautiful plan for yours…He really does and the great thing is, we’re living it right this minute. Yeah, it might not feel like such a beautiful plan today, May 19th 2010, but I am confident we will look back on this season of life and know that God was IN it, lovingly walking us through our days, showing us how to love more like Him and do life the way He intended for us. Lean into Him...He loves you; even when life sucks, He is crazy about you.

Update on us - Kate and I are really doing great. Kate is now 2 years old, has moved into a “big girl bed” and we are getting ready to begin potty training…really big things happening in our house :) Work is going very well for me…I continue to be amazed that God brought me to such an incredible company. We are still loving being by our family, minus Bekah, but miss Dallas mucho. We are attending Newspring Church here in Greenville and the pastor is one of the most authentic and genuine people I have ever heard speak. My world is rocked every time I hear him teach. Still trying to find the “place” that we fit and can plug in, but I am confident that God has something for us and that He’ll lead us to it.

In closing – You and I have no idea what the person next to us might be going through, in secret, all by themselves…maybe a hurting or broken heart, a painful loss of a friend, parent or love, or a seemingly impossible situation with no end in sight . Go love on them…I guarantee you they need it.