Monday, December 22, 2008


Yesterday, I was standing in my bathroom, getting ready for church. I just needed to hear God say something to me - anything. I am confident that I am right where He wants me to be - I just needed some affirmation. Aloud, I said "God, give me something. Just please give me something to get me through this day, knowing that I'm right where you want me to be." Being the ignorant Christian that I am, I didn't really think He was going to do anything, but I thought I'd ask anyway. Christians are stupid sometimes - it's in our nature. So, Kate and I bundled up, prepared for the 28 degree weather, and headed off to church. Kate goes happily into the nursery - I go in the sanctuary, signal to the usher that I need one seat - yeah, that's right buster brown - you see me every week - you know I only need one seat. Worship was wonderful. Then, our pastor gets up there and starts with "I have nothing for you." I'm thinking, you've got to be kidding. I woke up early, got ready, got Kate ready, go out into the 28 degree weather and you have nothing. Of couse, he had something. God had something even if he didn't. The bottom line of the message was, God sent an angel to let Mary know that she was going to be the mom for His Son. She was pregnant without a husband and to top that, she was carrying Jesus - the Savior of the world. I'm sure she was scared to death and thought, what in the world is going to happen to me. I have to admit that I've asked the same question. What is going to happen to me? As I continue to walk with the Lord and talk with Him, my mind heart changes. I find myself more and more being truly ok with whatever He chooses for my life. That's kind of scary and yet very freeing. I find that I don't fight Him so much anymore on what He asks me to do. Yes, I know what I want and what I think is best but I continue to pray that God would make His desires mine. I've been challenged by a dear friend not to put my hope in people, but continue to place all hope and all trust in Christ only. He knows. He knows what is going to happen and what the end of my story is.
After the angel gave Mary this huge, life-altering news, he ended by saying "For nothing will be impossible with God." (Luke 1:37). Her reply was simple, trusting and confident, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38). I hear her saying "You know, Lord. You know what the story is and how it's going to go. I surrender to what your plan is. I'm not going to fight it, because in the end, you know what the best thing is." So, in the end, God did give me something yesterday. He gave me a reminder that with Him, absolutely nothing is impossible - nothing. I wanted to jump out of my seat when Pete read that verse in church! That was God, talking to little ole me - Cyndee Corley in Plano, Texas.
I know this was lengthy and I appreciate anyone who read it, but when God is doing big things in your life, you just want to shout it out and tell everyone! This is my way of shouting it out.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Goin'-to-work-with-Mom Day

So, Kate and I were up the entire night last night - literally. At one point, I really felt like I wasn't going to make it. Kate was really sick. Today was an important day at work...I couldn't call in....but, Kate couldn't go to her Day-Care because she had a fever. We talked it over and declared it "Take Your Sick Baby to Work" Day. I had no other option. So, Kate came and sat on my office floor and played with notebooks, empty formula cans, measuring cups, keys, and the cord on my phone. It was exhausting, to say the least. I had to time everything just right - just as she was beginning to get tired of beating on the formula can, I would move her onto my lap to play with the phone cord...once that lost it's luster, I would hand her my keys, next was the measuring cups, followed by the notebook....and we did that all day long, over and over again. To add excitement to the ritual, Kate did a loose-poop the size of Alabama all over her clothes, blanket and mom's pants. She just laid there and smiled at me, as though she had given me the best present. We used the entire thing of wipes to clean it up. It was a good time.

Everyone that stopped by my office today commented on what a nice girl Kate is. I am amazed that God chose me to be her Mom. She is an amazing child who brings smiles to all she meets - even when she's a poopy pants.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Well, Kate and I are back in the big D after a relaxing, hilarious, and fun weekend with my family. Although I ache for my family at home and the support I have there, there is something comforting about the routine we have developed here in Dallas. We have a very predictable life....we wake up at 6:30, get ready for the day, out the door by 7:56, drop off at day-care, mom goes to work until 6, pick up Kate at 6:30 at our friend Annette's, go home and play, Kate's in bed by 7:30-7:45pm. Sounds a little mundane when you write it out, but it works for us.

I have a precious friend, Annette, that I met in a discipleship group I'm in. She has been the grandma that we need here :) She picks Kate up from day-care and takes her home to her house until I get off work. Kate just helps Annette with her work and plays until I get there. When I get to Annette's, she has dinner ready and most evenings, I eat dinner with her and her husband, Karl. It really is amazing when we stop and look at our lives, the small things (that are huge) that God gives us everyday. That time with Annette and Karl has become such a treasured gift. When I feel like God may have put me on the backburner and left me there, I am reminded of things like having dinner with Annette and Karl. God takes special care of us every day. We just have to look at life through His eyes to see it sometimes.